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Hello, is there a way to remove the mosaic on the Meta Quest?

There is no item to turn it off in the in-game settings.

Not bad 

but have some issues with the doll mode I have a small torso doll but the head in the game is a bit too big and the long hair goes into the sex doll so it would be cool if you could add that I can change the head size (neck) and give her shorter hair this are my main Problems changing skin color would also be cool but not necesarry

Thank you for your comment.

I would like to challenge some of these new modes in the next version of the software.

#Scaling of the face.

#Add a function to hide the back of the body on the transparent body

#Add a cross-sectional view of the uterus.

Thx that would be awsome out of curiousity do you still work on haremroid or is it finished?

Cross-sectional view is not yet available, but I have added a transparent body to the game that will be transparent behind.

You can also zoom in and out of the head.

Since haremroid was developed on an old VR system, I don't think there will be any major updates in the future.

However, I was thinking of making other games using VRM, but I don't know when that will be.

Deleted 346 days ago

Because it is developed in Japan,

All my works have mosaics.



Then you shouldn't make them. No one can get turned on by blurred privates. If you have to use mosaic, you are better off not developing games. Was gonna buy your work, but after seeing this, now I know it' better to go in search of other games. XStoryPlayer3.5 is really good. Maybe you should learn a thing or two.


If you look carefully online, there are tools to fairly easily remove the mosaic  from all unity based games. I get your frustration, but tone down the hostility.

(2 edits)

When launching the game you see the unity logo and it goes to a black buggy screen, you cant see your controllers but if you use the menu by tapping or holding one button it does appear, but then the menu shakes and flies into the roof, it just keeps going up so that you cannot use the menu. its almost as if you arent in the room and you keep falling under the floor. I though this might be the room scale but i tried a few different places, in pc vr, but the error is still there.

Ver 1.01.
metaquest 2, pc vr.
i realise the menu and such is similar to dawn of marionette but its almost as if you are underneath the world, even if you reset view. 

Thanks for the report.

Some bugs don't happen in my environment, so that helps.

I have made further modifications to the warp script in Ver 1.02.

When I start the game, the screen is black and the player's body is not visible. The menu is visible.

If this is the case, there is a possibility that the warp process is failing.

(2 edits)

I tested 1.02 just to try and the issue is there.
Only the menu is visible once button is pressed, everything else is dark, and it moves up.

Same issue happens when i tested non vr PC Desktop. 

When I play,

PCVR, Desktop, Quest Standalone

I can play it on any of them with no problem.

If it's "standalone" there should be no difference in environment.

Very strange.

Its definitely interesting this happens in full version, demo version. In both Desktop and PCvrmode.
The issue is not there in apk version on the MetaQuest2 

Because it might be in a particular environment,

If you don't mind, could you tell us your OS and PC specs?

Ver.1.0: Fix needed! Its not working. After starting, you get a Blackscreen and if you press F you only see the Menu, but you cant use the options.

Does the screen remain black when you start up?

When you say F key, are you playing on a monitor?

This game is made exclusively for VR.

But it should not be impossible to play on a monitor.

Do you press and hold the F key?

In the menu that comes up with the F key, there is an item to open options.

Ohh didn't saw the "only VR" notice.  (x.x) That's sad, I loved to play it without one.

Yes I played this game with a Monitor and its was possible to press F. But it shakes/wiggels to much, sou I can't press the A/B/C options.

I hope you will add a PC Monitor support for the game. I'd love to play it. 

This game also has MR functionality and cannot be officially played on a monitor.

I often play on a monitor myself for test play,

You should be able to push it.

Good luck.

Last Build is not evenr unning.
APK Install: Black Screen, that s it.
Quest 3. I really wonder what is the Problem

to bring a Menu to run.
Can you explain me this ?
i am a Dev to, my Work runs without any problem.
to be serious: i wish i coult have my money back, this is truly: not even playable.

it do not even start!

I am so sorry.

I finally fixed the problem today.

Please try 1.07.